For example: 64圆4, 256x256 or 128x2048 (but textures have square size inside the graphic card so a 16x1024 texture is really a 1024x1024 texture). They must not use 16 bits per plane and must have side lengths of 2 nx2 m (powers of 2), the size must be at least 4 pixels when using compressed textures (automatic feature in the osg branch). SGI images can be uncompressed or RLE-compressed, which is a lossless compression method.įlightGear uses plib to read SGI images. This, however, is only a convention and not mandated by the SGI image specification. Images with one layer are usually black/white ( *.bw) or a mere alpha layer ( *.a), with two layers black/white with alpha, with three layers red/green/blue ( *.rgb), and with four layers red/green/blue/alpha ( *.rgba). Files of this format use different extensions, often to indicate the image properties, but in fact it's always the same format. This format supports multiple layers, transparency, compression, indexed colors, 8 bits and 16 bits per plane. These files are texture files in SGI Image Format. It can read and write *.ac files, but a written file may lack UV mapping or have other defects. This is a converter for all plib supported 3D formats and comes with FlightGear (see utils/Modeller/3dconvert.cxx). Compiling ppe may be a challenge, though, and it's only useful for viewing, but hardly for editing objects. This has the advantage that objects look very much like in FlightGear (minus shader effects and shadows). PrettyPoly (ppe) is an unmaintained object editor that uses the same graphics library as FlightGear (plib). The osgviewer demo in the Open Scenegraph Library is very useful for quickly looking at models. In Blender 2.49b import and export would be done from the file menu as File > Import/Export > AC3d (*.ac). Blender had built in support for importing and exporting AC3D files up to Blender 2.49b, and after that there are scripts available to do that of which some are developed by members of the FlightGear community.
#Invis ac3d software free#
See Blender for the main article about this subject.īlender is a powerful and free (as in beer) open source 3D model editor (among other things). Many applications are able to import and/or export this format: It's ASCII text and easy to edit via scripts or, to some extent, by hand. The format is preferred by FlightGear (in essence the best supported format). These files contains meshes, UV-mappings, texture paths and material definitions.
#Invis ac3d software trial#
This is the native format for 3D graphics of the Invis AC3D application (payware with free trial version). See AC3D file format for the main article about this subject.